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Setting Up Redirects

With fastn you can set up redirects for you site. This can be used to create short urls e.g. <your-domain>/t to redirect to your twitter handle, e.g. https://twitter.com/<your-twitter-handle> etc, or you can use it to fix broken URLs in case you change your mind about some URL.

This can be done by using fastn.redirects in your FASTN.ftd file.
FASTN.ftd example that uses fastn.redirects
-- import: fastn
-- fastn.package: redirect-example

-- fastn.redirects:

/ftd/kernel/ -> /kernel/
/discord/ -> https://discord.gg/eNXVBMq4xt

The links which needs to be redirected somewhere has to be listed down in the body section of fastn.redirects as key-value tuples in the format <FROM> -> <TO>.

In the above example, the url /ftd/kernel/ will be redirected to /kernel/. Similarly, visiting /discord/ will redirect to the official fastn discord server https://discord.gg/eNXVBMq4xt.

Deprecation warning

<FROM>: <TO> old syntax will be deprecated soon, so we recommend the usage of the latest redirect syntax <FROM> -> <TO>.

Dynamic Redirect

You can also conditionally redirect from any web page, check out ftd.redirect.