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Create holy-grail layout

In this video we will learn how to create a holy-grail layout.

Holy-grail layout

The most commonly used layout for websites is the holy-grail layout. This layout is designed to optimize the use of screen space by dividing the webpage into three main sections:
  • a header at the top
  • a main content area in the center, and sidebars on both sides.
  • a footer
Let's learn how to create this layout.

home-page component

We will start by creating a component that will be for the entire page.

The three parts of the home-page, ie the header, the main part and the footer part, are aligned in from top to down manner.

So, inside the component home-page we will use ftd.column.
-- component home-page:

-- ftd.column:
width: fill-container
height: fill-container

-- header:

-- main:

-- footer:

-- end: ftd.column

-- end: home-page

Header component

Let's take the header first and create the component for the header.
-- component header:

-- ftd.row:
width: fill-container
background.solid: $inherited.colors.background.step-2
padding.px: 35

-- ftd.text: LOGO
role: $inherited.types.copy-regular

-- end: ftd.row

-- end: header

We have given some properties width, padding, and background color to the row, note, we are using $inherited for background color so that if we use any
color-scheme, it will take the background-color defined in that color-scheme.

And for now, I have given a child to the row as ftd.text with it's inherited role.

We have one component header ready, we can display it. So before we move ahead, let's comment others (main and footer) and display header by calling the component home-page. To call it we will write:
-- home-page:
So we have the header in our page.

Main component

Now, similarly, we will build the main area.

As I have mentioned, in the holy-grail layout main area has three parts, which is in left-to-right manner therefore we will put them in a row.
-- component main-area:

-- ftd.row:
width: fill-container
height: fill-container
background.solid: $inherited.colors.background.base

-- left-sidebar:

-- content:

-- right-sidebar:

-- end: ftd.row

-- end: main-area
Now we will create 3 separate components for left-sidebar, content and right-sidebar.

left-sidebar component

-- component left-sidebar:

-- ftd.column:
width.fixed.percent: 25
height: fill-container
background.solid: $inherited.colors.background.step-1
align-content: center
border-width.px: 2
border-color: $inherited.colors.border

-- ftd.text: left-sidebar
role: $inherited.types.copy-regular

-- end: ftd.column

-- end: left-sidebar

This is the left-sidebar component. Inside the container component column of width of 25% has a child ftd.text.

Similarly, I have created the two components, one for the content, the other for the right-sidebar.

content component

-- component content:

-- ftd.column:
height: fill-container
width: fill-container
background.solid: $inherited.colors.background.base
align-content: center
border-top-width.px: 2
border-bottom-width.px: 2
border-color: $inherited.colors.border

-- ftd.text: main content
role: $inherited.types.copy-regular

-- end: ftd.column

-- end: content

right-sidebar component

-- component right-sidebar:

-- ftd.column:
width.fixed.percent: 25
height: fill-container
background.solid: $inherited.colors.background.step-1
align-content: center
border-width.px: 2
border-color: $inherited.colors.border

-- ftd.text: right-sidebar
role: $inherited.types.copy-regular

-- end: ftd.column

-- end: right-sidebar
Since we have already called them in the main-area component. Let's see the main area in the browser. So we will remove the comment where the main component is called.

footer component

Last but not the least, let's create the component for footer. In this component, just like header, we have a row, which has a text. Just the padding value is different.
-- component footer:

-- ftd.row:
width: fill-container
background.solid: $inherited.colors.background.step-2
padding.px: 20

-- ftd.text: FOOTER
role: $inherited.types.copy-regular
color: $inherited.colors.text

-- end: ftd.row

-- end: footer

Our footer is also ready, so we can remove the comment in the home-page and Save and refresh the browser.

Now we have the complete holy-grail layout for the home-page.

I hope you have found this layouting using fastn language easy.

Before we close this, let's see the basic way to add the header links.

In the package, I have created 3 dummy files that will repesent the sections.

And, inside the row of the header component, we will add another row and to this row we will give three sections as text.
-- ftd.row:
spacing.fixed.px: 50

-- ftd.text: Section 1
link: /section-1/
color: $inherited.colors.text

-- ftd.text: Section 2
link: /section-2/
color: $inherited.colors.text

-- ftd.text: Section 3
link: /section-3/
color: $inherited.colors.text

-- end: ftd.row
And for formatting, to the parent row, I have added spacing between these two sections, ftd.text and ftd.row.

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