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ftd crate

ftd is the crate that implements the language.


ftd crate lives in a folder named ftd in fastn-stack/fastn repo.

How It Works

You can check out ftd_v2_interpret_helper() in main.rs to see how this crate is used as a standalone project.

The "interpreter loop"

One design requirement for ftd is to not perform IO operations. This is done so ftd and (soon) fastn-core can be used in a variety of ways, like using ftd binding from Python, Node, Ruby, Java etc. To do this ftd interpreter acts as a state machine, yielding to the caller every time ftd can not make progress because it needs any IO operation, and lets the "host" perform the IO operation, and whenever the result is ready, the host calls "continue" on the interpter state machine.

You create the state machine by calling:
let mut interpreter_state = ftd::interpreter::interpret(name, source)?;
ftd::interpreter::interpret() returns a ftd::interpreter::Interpreter on success:
pub enum Interpreter {
StuckOnImport {
module: String,
state: InterpreterState,
caller_module: String,
Done {
document: Document,
StuckOnProcessor {
state: InterpreterState,
ast: ftd::ast::AST,
module: String,
processor: String,
caller_module: String,
StuckOnForeignVariable {
state: InterpreterState,
module: String,
variable: String,
caller_module: String,

If the ftd document did not have any IO operations (no imports, no processors, no foreign variables), then the first call itself will return Interpreter::Done, else the interpreter is "stuck" on one of those.

The "host", which is currently fastn-core, has to help ftd by doing the actual operation, in case of StuckOnImport, they have to resolve the import path, and return the document's content by calling, Interpreter::continue_after_import(), and passing it ParsedDocument, which we will look later in this document.

The document that is being imported may have foreign variables and foreign functions, it is the job of the fastn host to manage these, and inform fastn that the document contains these, so fastn can type check things, and yield control back to host when the foreign variables or functions are evaluated. The list of foreign variables and functions are also passed to Interpreter::continue_after_import().


The idea of processor is to take the current section, you will read about them in the P1 Parser below, and return a Value.

Variables, Things And Bag

When the interpreter starts, it creates a bag (ftd::interpreter::InterpreterState::bag field), of type ftd::Map<ftd::interpreter::Thing>. ftd::Map<T> is an alias to std::collections::BTreeMap<String, T>;
pub enum Thing {
OrTypeWithVariant {
or_type: String,
variant: ftd::interpreter::OrTypeVariant,
Everything that the fastn interpreter has been able to parse successfully is added to the bag. The key in the bag is the full name of the module, and then name of the thing, with # as the concatenation character.

Types In FTD

P1 Parser

When a string containing fastn code is first encountered, we use the ftd::p1::parse() function to parse it to ftd::p1::Section struct:
pub struct Section {
pub name: String,
pub kind: Option<String>,
pub caption: Option<ftd::p1::Header>,
pub headers: ftd::p1::Headers,
pub body: Option<Body>,
pub sub_sections: Vec<Section>,
pub is_commented: bool,
pub line_number: usize,
pub block_body: bool,
Read: The ftd-p1 grammar.