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We have designed and developed below bling components. You can use them on your fastn web site.
Bling Components
We have designed and developed below bling components. You can use them on your fastn web site.
We have designed and developed below button components package. You can use them on your fastn web site.
Business Cards
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We have designed and developed below business-cards. You can use them on your fastn web site.
Code Block
We have designed and developed below code block and button components package. You can use them on your fastn web site.
Headers / Navbars
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We have designed and developed below header / navbar packages. You can use them on your fastn web site.
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We have designed and developed below footer packages. You can use them on your fastn web site.
Modal / Dialog Box
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We have designed and developed below footer packages. You can use them on your fastn web site.
Language Switcher