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fastn-package crate overview and motivation

fastn-package is responsible for providing access to any fastn package content to fastn-serve, fastn-build etc.

The specs for the crate are in the spec document.

In Memory Data

We want fastn to be fast, and it is hard to do it if IO operations are scattered all over the code. So we are going to create an in memory representation of the fastn package, including dependencies, and ensure most operations use the in memory structures instead of doing file IO.

How We Store The Data?

We are using sqlite for storing the data in memory. The tables are described below. We will also use a HashMap to store the ParsedData corresponding to each fastn file.

The in-memory representation should not store the content of non fastn files, eg image files, as ideally images should be only read when we are serving the request or when we are copying the file during fastn build.

.ftd files are special as they may be read more than once, say if a file is a dependency of many files in the package. So all fastn files are kept in p1 parsed state in memory. Our p1 parser is faster than the full interpreter. So we only do the p1 level parsing for all fastn file, at startup once.

fastn build

All the files of the package are going to be read at least one during the build. Reading the entire package content can be used to gaurantee that we read things at most once.

fastn serve

Reading all files when fastn serve starts instead of on demand seems wasteful, but if it is fast enough it may be acceptable to wait for a second or so during startup, if we get much faster page loads after.

fastn comes with fastn save APIs and fastn sync APIs, and when we have our own built in editor as part of fastn serve, it will use fastn save APIs. If we deploy fastn on server we are going to use fastn sync APIs. If the APIs are the only way to modify files, then fastn is always aware of file changes and it can keep updating it's in-memory representation.

File Watcher

On local machines, files may change under the hood after fastn serve has started, this is because it is your local laptop, and you may use local Editor or other programs to modify any file. For this reason if we want to keep in memory version of fastn package content we have to implement a file watcher as well.

For simplicity we will reconstruct the entire in memory structure when we detect any file change in the first design.

Package Layout

The most important information for a package is it's FASTN.ftd file. The main package can contain any number of other files. The dependencies are stored in .packages folder.

Package List File

For every package we have a concept of a list file. The list file contains list of all files in that package.

The list file includes the file name, the hash of the file content.


For each package we download the package

How Are Download Packages Stored?

We store the package list file in .packages/<package-folder>/LIST. On every build the file is created. If the package is served via a fastn serve, then fastn serve has an API to get the LIST file.

.package files are only updated by fastn update

One of the goals is to ensure we do not do needless IO and confine all IO to well known methods. One place where we did IO was to download the package on demand. We are now going to download the dependencies explicitly.

fastn update will also scan every module in the package, and find all the modules in dependencies that are imported by our package. fastn update will then download those files, and scan their dependencies and modules for more imports, and download them all.

The RWLock

We will use a RWLock to keep a single instance of in memory package data.

Auto update on file change

When fastn package is getting constructed at the program start, or when file watcher detects any change in the file system and updates the in memory data structure, it takes a write lock on the rwlock, so all reads will block till in memory data structure is constructed.

If during update we detect a new dependency, the write lock will be held while we download the dependency as well. If the download fails due to network error we re-try the download when the document has imported the failed module.

Invalid Modules

When we are constructing the in memory data structure, and find a invalid ftd file we store the error in the in memory data, so we do not re-parse the same file again and get the same error.

SQLite as the in-memory representation

Instead of creating a strcut or some such datastructure, we can store the in memory representation in a global in-memory SQLite db. We can put the SQLite db handle behind a RWLock to ensure we do not do writes while reads are happening or we can rely on the SQLite to do the read-write lock stuff using transactions.

Transactions are generally the right way to do this, but we may do the RWLock in the beginning to keep things simple. Executing transactions is tricky, nested calls to functions creating transaction can be problem, and every function has to know if they have transaction or not. Same concern applies for locks, but at least Rust compiler takes care of ensuring we are not facing many of lock related issues due to ownership model.


These tables are described as Django models for documentation purpose only. We do not have to worry about migration as we recreated the database all the time.

Package Table

class MainPackage():
# the name of the package
name = models.TextField()

Dependency Table

class Dependency():  # DAG with single source
# name of the package that is a dependency
name = models.TextField()
# what package depended on this.
# for main package the name would be "main-package"
depended_by = models.TextField()

Document Table

This table contains information about all fastn files across all packages.
class Document():
# the name by which we import this document
name = models.TextField(primary_key=True)
# the name of the package this is part of
package = models.TextField()

Auto Imports

class AutoImport():
document = models.ForeignKey(Document)
# if alias is not specified, we compute the alias using the standard rules
alias = models.TextField()
# alias specified by the user, if specied, it will be used instead
alias_specified = models.TextField(null=True)

File Table

All files are stored in this table. Files are discoverd from on-disc as well as from Dependency list packages.
class File():
# the name of the file. We store relative path of file with
# respect to package name. main package is stored with the
# "main-package" name.
name = models.TextField(primary_key=True)
# the name of the package this is part of
package = models.TextField()
on_disc = models.BooleanField()


All the URLs that our server can serve. This is computed by analysing sitemap, content of main package, and dynamic urls, and content of markdown section of each fastn file.
class URL():
path = models.TextField()
# we do not serve html files present in the current package as
# text/html text/html is reserved for `fastn` files. html files get
# 404. for non `fastn` file mostly this will contain images, maybe
# PDF, font files etc. We also do not serve JS/CSS files.
document = models.ForeignKey(Document)
kind = models.TextField(
content_type = models.TextField()
# if we have to redirect to some other url, this should be set
redirect = models.TextField(null=True)
# for every URL we add we add a canonical url, which can be
# itself, or something else
canonical = models.TextField()

content_type, redirect and canonical can be over-ridden by the document during the interpreter phase.

We need not compute all dynamic URLs for fastn serve use case. We compute the static URLs, and store dynamic patterns, and compute dynamic URLs on demand. For fastn build we need all the dynamic URLs we can discover from the package as we have to generate static HTML for each of them.

So this table will contain fewer entries till discover-dynamic-urls method is called.

Discovered URLs during fastn serve

We may not get all files by static analysis, as some URLs maybe constructed dynamically and we may still be able to serve them. When a document is rendered such new URLs are discovered, and they are not stored in URL table for consistency as otherwise this table will have different content based on if the some path has been requested or not.

Discovered URLs during fastn build

When we are creating static site, the discovered URLs are note stored in this table, but is stored in some in-memory structure in build process.

Sitemap table

class Section():
name = models.TextField() # contains markdown
url = models.TextField()
document = models.TextField(null=True)
skip = models.BooleanField(default=False)
kv = models.JSONField(default={})

class SubSection():
section = models.ForeignKey(Section)
# name can be empty if no sub-section was specified.
name = models.TextField() # contains markdown
url = models.TextField()
document = models.TextField(null=True)
skip = models.BooleanField(default=False)
kv = models.JSONField(default={})

# how best to represent tree?
class Toc():
sub_section = models.ForeignKey(SubSection)
name = models.TextField() # contains markdown
url = models.TextField()
document = models.TextField(null=True)
skip = models.BooleanField(default=False)
kv = models.JSONField(default={})

Dynamic URls Table

class DynamicURL():
name = models.TextField(null=True)
pattern = models.TextField()
document = models.TextField()

How Would Incremental Compilation Work

For fastn build to do incremental compilation we need the snapshot of the last build. We will store a build-snapshot.sqlite file after successful fastn build.

How Would Hot Reload Work

If one of the pages is open in local (or workspace) environment, and any of the files that are a dependency of that page is modified, we want to modify that page. Eventually we may do patch based relaod, where we will send precise information from server to browser about what has changed. For now we will do a document.reload().

To do this we need to know what all pages are currently loaded in any browser tab and for each of those pages the dependency tree. We can store the dependency tree for all URLs in the in memory, but that would be a lot of computation, we can keep the page dependency list in the generated page itself, and pass this information to browser based poller, who will pass this information back to the server.