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The ftd.desktop is a component in the fastn language used to optimize the rendering of a web page for desktop devices. It is designed to work in conjunction with the ftd.mobile component, which optimizes rendering for mobile devices.

It is container type component. Currently, it accepts only one child.

Make sure to close your ftd.desktop container using the end syntax. This is mandatory.

-- end: ftd.desktop


-- ftd.desktop:

;; << A child component >>

-- end: ftd.desktop

Properties Optimization

By using ftd.desktop, fastn takes up the variant of the properties that are specified for desktop devices only and ignore the corresponding variant for mobile devices. For instance, the properties like role has responsive type and also type like ftd.length has responsive variant.

Checkout this example.
-- ftd.desktop:

-- ftd.text: Hello from desktop
role: $rtype
padding: $res

-- end: ftd.desktop

-- ftd.length.responsive res:
desktop.percent: 40
mobile.px: 70

-- ftd.responsive-type rtype:
desktop: $dtype
mobile: $mtype

-- ftd.type dtype:
size.px: 40
weight: 900
font-family: cursive
line-height.px: 65
letter-spacing.px: 5

-- ftd.type mtype:
size.px: 20
weight: 100
font-family: fantasy
line-height.px: 35
letter-spacing.px: 3

Here, fastn will automatically pick the desktop variant for role, i.e. desktop: $dtype, and padding, i.e. desktop.percent: 40.

It's worth noting that the above code can also be rewritten using the condition ftd.device == "desktop" on the ftd.text component. However, this approach is Not Recommended since it generates unoptimized code, resulting in slow and bulky rendered output with huge dependencies.

Checkout the Not Recommended version of the code above:
Not Recommended
-- ftd.text: Hello from desktop
if: { ftd.device == "desktop" }
role: $rtype
padding: $res

Component Optimization

Once a component is specified for the desktop device using ftd.desktop, It will continue to take up or accepts the desktop-specified components or generic components as descendants, ignoring the mobile-specified components declared using ftd.mobile. This reduces the size of the component tree.

Checkout this example.
-- ftd.desktop:
-- print-title:
-- end: ftd.desktop

-- component print-title:

-- ftd.column:

-- ftd.desktop:
-- ftd.text: Hello from desktop
-- end: ftd.desktop

-- ftd.mobile:
-- ftd.text: Hello from mobile
-- end: ftd.mobile

-- end: ftd.column

-- end: print-title
Here, since we used ftd.desktop, so the fastn will ignore any ftd.mobile components that come after it.


A desktop accepts the container root attributes.