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Basics of http processor and data modelling 🚧

In this part, we will delve into concepts like http processor and data modelling using a simple example.

We have created an array of records for group of countries. Each record has two key attributes: name and capital, in the form of JSON data.
The JSON data looks like this:
"name": "India",
"capital": "New Delhi"
"name": "Sri Lanka",
"capital": "Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte"
"name": "Nepal",
"capital": "Kathmandu"
"name": "Bangladesh",
"capital": "Dhaka"
"name": "Indonesia",
"capital": "Jakarta"
"name": "Maldives",
"capital": "Malé"
Click to see the JSON data in browser
We will call this data through http processor, save the data as a record by using for loop and display it in a tabular form.

By the end of this part, you will have gained insights into how using fastn, REST APIs can seemlessly connect the backend with the frontend.

The first step is to create a fastn package.
What is fastn package?
fastn package is a folder that requires atleast two files
  • FASTN.ftd
  • index.ftd

http processor

http processor does the network communication using REST API and fetches data from the external site in a different domain.

The syntax of using http processor is as follows:
-- import: fastn/processors as pr

-- record r:
$processor$: pr.http

Data modelling: record

For this example, we will use record feature of fastn's. record can be used to create a user defined data type.

Here we are creating a new record called country-data.
Declaring the country-record
-- record country-data:
string name:
string capital:

Start building

Let's implement the theory and build the project.

Step 1: Import fastn/processors

Copy the import line and paste it at the top of the index.ftd document
Import Processors
-- import: fastn/processors as pr

Step 2: Declare a record

Before a record can be used it must be declared.
Declaring country-data record
-- record country-data:
string name:
string capital:

Step 3: Create a list

Since the JSON data has a list of countries and their respective capitals, therefore, we will create a list and use the country-data record as the type.
countries is a list of country-data
-- country-data list countries:
$processor$: pr.http will initialise countries with the data returned by the url.
-- country-data list countries:
$processor$: pr.http
url: https://famous-loincloth-ox.cyclic.app/

Step 4: Data is ready, lets show it in the UI

Now that we have download the data from the url and stored it in countries, we want to show it to user. To do that let's create a component called country-detail.
Create component country-detail
-- component country-detail:

-- end: country-detail
This component will have a property country. We will mark it as caption to make easy for users of this component.
-- component country-detail:
caption country-data country:

-- end: country-detail
Let's show the country name.
-- component country-detail:
caption country-data country:

-- ftd.text: $country-detail.country.name

-- end: country-detail
Till now, we have just defined the component but to display the list of country names we need call the component. Therefore, after closing the component we can call the component and use a for loop.
-- country-detail: $country
for: $country in $countries
Now wrap the two texts for country name and capital in row container
-- ftd.row:
width.fixed.percent: 20

-- ftd.text: $country-detail.country.name

-- ftd.text: $country-detail.country.capital

-- end: ftd.row
So you have successfully fetched and displayed the values of JSON data from the external website using the http processor and one of the data modelling type, record.

Improved UI

You can use various fastn properties to improve the UI to display the data, let's say in the form of a table.
properties added
-- import: fastn/processors as pr

-- ftd.column:
width: fill-container
padding.px: 40
align-content: center

-- ftd.row:
width.fixed.percent: 30

-- ftd.text: Country
role: $inherited.types.copy-regular
style: bold
border-bottom-width.px: 1
width.fixed.percent: 40
border-width.px: 1
border-style-horizontal: dashed
padding-left.px: 10
background.solid: $inherited.colors.background.base

-- ftd.text: Capital
role: $inherited.types.copy-regular
style: bold
padding-left.px: 10
border-bottom-width.px: 1
width.fixed.percent: 40
border-width.px: 1
border-style-horizontal: dashed
background.solid: $inherited.colors.background.base

-- end: ftd.row

-- country-detail: $country
for: $country in $countries

-- end: ftd.column

-- record country-data:
string name:
string capital:

-- country-data list countries:
$processor$: pr.http
url: https://famous-loincloth-ox.cyclic.app/

-- component country-detail:
caption country-data country:

-- ftd.row:
width.fixed.percent: 30

-- ftd.text: $country-detail.country.name
role: $inherited.types.copy-regular
width.fixed.percent: 40
border-width.px: 1
border-style-horizontal: dashed
padding-left.px: 10

-- ftd.text: $country-detail.country.capital
role: $inherited.types.copy-regular
padding-left.px: 10
width.fixed.percent: 40
border-width.px: 1
border-style-horizontal: dashed

-- end: ftd.row

-- end: country-detail