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fastn Ambassador Program

By being a fastn Ambassador, you can create definitive social impact, while establishing yourself as a mentor & tech-leader within your college community.

Through our Students Ambassador Program, you become a representative of fastn for your college. fastn Ambassadors plan & host several events during the school year, introducing students to the various aspects and features of the fastn platform.

By being a fastn Ambassador, you can grow your skills and build your reputation as a 'fastn' campaigner, and be a skilled manager in your own right.

What makes a fastn Ambassador?

A fastn Ambassador is keen to contribute, and grow a community, and share the richness of their knowledge with others.

They demonstrate strong managerial qualities, organization capabilities, and a command over technical & communication skills. They are passionate about technology, and should be deftly able to plan events and manage budgets.

  • Avid Learners: They are veritable experts that anyone can turn to for assistance.

  • Passionate Advocates: Actively promote fastn across communities, forums & events within their college / university.

  • Strong Organizers: Have the ability to conduct workshops, hackathons & learning sessions resulting in tangible outcomes.

  • Savvy Marketers: Have a way of handling promotions and marketing events across social channels to generate heightened participation.

Why become a fastn Ambassador?

Ambassadors are powerful, yet with a keen sense of doing good for the community at large.

For all the time & effort you put in, fastn commits to help you gain an worthwhile advantage, when it comes to building your career and network. fastn supports Ambassadors in many ways. Some of them may include:

  • Badges & Roles: A unique role will be awarded within our Discord server. They also gain access to a select channel on Discord, where they can network with other Ambassadors. This group has access to special fastn projects & giveaways!

  • Shout-out & Endorsement: Your work and your profile is put on a pedestal! All Ambassadors get a special shout-out on our fastn website and their contributions are promoted across our platforms.

  • Certifications: Your skills & efforts will get validated & certified. You will receive official fastn certificates and accreditation to bolster your achievements.

  • fastn Ambassador NFT: You will unlock a special fastn NFT, tailor-made for Ambassadors. This super-cool NFT will provide you access to a select fastn reward bundles & giveaways.

  • Career Opportunities: For Ambassadors who display outstanding levels of commitment & results, fastn will promote you to our Clients & Partner network as a fastn-certified potential hire. On successful selection, Ambassadors will be able to work full-time/part-time or as a consultant across active projects.

  • IRL Ambassador Upskilling: Ambassadors will attend periodic "Ambassadors All-Hands" & "Train the trainer" events at different locations around the country. This will allow them to forge a strong network as well build a cohesive array of managerial skills to augment your developer skills.

  • Event Support: All Ambassadors, get access to fastn Event Set-Up Kits that would allow them to set up and create fastn workshops on the fly. Consistent performers would get instant access to sponsorships, swag material & rewards to assist their event management capabilities.

  • Major Developer Events: Selective Ambassadors would be chosen to represent fastn across major developer events in the country. Tickets, stay and travel would be handled by the fastn team on their behalf.

How to become a fastn Ambassador?

To become an Ambassador, we ask you to demonstrate your power to structure, organize, manage & communicate. An Ambassador is a true flag-bearer of the domain he/she represents. It is only fair that a fastn Ambassador ensures that they help fastn find a presence amongst the highest echelons of successful technology platforms.

To qualify as a potential Ambassador candidate, you have to do the following:

  • Championing fastn: An intimate understanding of the fastn platform is a pre-requisite. To be a fastn Ambassador, you have to first & foremost be a fastn Champion.

  • Workshop Proposal: Put together a plan to host an Introduction to fastn event in your school / college. You can read about the steps involved to host your first event (here)[*].

  • HOD Approval: Use the marketing material (Approval template)[*] provided by fastn to raise a formal approval from your HOD. Once approved, share your event details, along with the scanned HOD approval to our email - ambassador.program@fastn.com.

  • Discord Group: Once approved, we will contact you and generate a new channel for your school / college on our Discord. You will also be put in touch with our dev-rel team for any assistance in coordination.

  • fastn Workshop: You are to then conduct the hands-on workshop as planned. All participant details / repos are to be shared across the Discord channel provided earlier. Success of the event will be based on the work submitted by the participants. Apart from the fastn basics, you are to emphasize on the fastn Champions program and drive spirited participation.

  • fastnCampus Contest: All participants from hands-on workshop are further encouraged to take part in a contest. Winners from the contest have to fulfil a creative challenge, based on the things they learnt from the workshop. The deadline for the contest will be week from the event being conducted.

  • Judging & Winners: Create a panel of judges from students committee, and professors. And select winning entries based on creativity and other judging criteria. Depending on number of submissions, fastn will provide prize money to the winners. Prize Money details & assessment criteria have been included in the event kit shared.

  • Marketing & Social: You ability to generate a buzz about the event, drive participate before and after the event will be a key factor to receiving your Ambassador status. Share photos, links to repos and social media handles to showcase the outcomes.

After completing all the challenges, simply fill out the fastn Ambassadors application on this page. You will be asked to provide "proof of your work", in the form of the github links. Post a short internal review, we will let you know of your application status.

Once you receive your Ambassador status, is when you work actually begins. As an Ambassador you are expected to continue driving engagement around fastn within your campus as well as your Discord channel on fastn.

Ambassador status is not a permanent one. To maintain your qualification, you are expected to remain active and conduct periodic fastn meet-ups / workshops. Our dev-rel team can help you put together an event-calendar tailored to you and your college.

Rest assured, you as an Ambassador will receive ample benefits & goodies for each event successfully completed as a part of this program.

Submit your fastn Ambassador Application

Great now that you know what makes a fastn Ambassador, time to get started.

  • Head over to the fastn Discord account & log in.
  • Join the 'future-ambassadors' channel in there.
  • Drop in a quick hello & let us know that you are interested in being an ambassador.

Our team will contact you and schedule a call with you shortly. You can get all of your doubts & queries clarified, and once you start, our team can start tracking your progress.

Feel free to reach out to our team or other ambassadors for help or assistance!

We are rooting for you, future-Ambassador!