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How to access files

The assets module contains a foreign variable named files that holds references to the package's files. You can use this variable to get the full path or URL of a file.

Suppose if you want to get the full path of folder-1/folder-2/foo.ftd present in dependency package named other-package. You need to write the following code:
-- import: other-package/assets

-- ftd.text: Link to foo.ftd
link: $assets.files.folder-1.folder-2.foo.ftd

The $assets.files.folder-1.folder-2.foo.ftd reference will return a string with a value like ``-/other-package/folder-1/folder-2/foo.ftd`.

For images, the assets reference returns a ftd.image-src value that includes values for both light and dark modes.

Accessing Image Files

You can define images for both light and dark modes, and the assets reference returns a ftd.image-src type for them.

A Single Image for Both Light and Dark Mode

To use a single image for both light and dark modes, add the image (e.g., logo.png) anywhere in your package (e.g., inside static directory), and use the following code to access it:
-- import: <package-name>/assets

-- ftd.image:
src: $assets.files.static.logo.png
The above code will render the image. The return type of assets.files.static.logo.png is ftd.image-src with a value like this:
-- ftd.image-src assets.files.static.logo.png:
light: -/<package-name>/static/logo.png
dark: -/<package-name>/static/logo.png

Different images for light and dark mode.

If you want a different images for both light and dark mode, then add an image, say logo.png (for light mode) and logo-dark.png (for dark mode), somewhere in your package, say inside static folder.

If you want to use different images for light and dark modes, add the images (e.g., logo.png for light mode and logo-dark.png for dark mode) anywhere in your package (e.g., inside static directory), and use the following code to access them:
-- import: <package-name>/assets

-- ftd.image:
src: $assets.files.static.logo.png
The above code will render the image. The return type of assets.files.static.logo.png is ftd.image-src with a value like this:
-- ftd.image-src assets.files.static.logo.png:
light: -/<package-name>/static/logo.png
dark: -/<package-name>/static/logo-dark.png